Heat Alarms

Heat Alarms

Featuring Wireless Interconnection

“Dependability when you need it”

There are areas of your home where smoke alarms are prohibited due to false alarms from steam, smoke, excessive dust, and other sources. In many cases, these areas present the highest risk of fire such as kitchens, laundry rooms, and attics. Early warning is your #1 lifeline to safely escape the tragedy of fire, so our Heat Alarms should be installed in high risk areas of your home where smoke detectors are not compatible.

In fact, according to the NFPA National Fire Alarm Code (Section A.29.8.4)…heat detectors should be considered in, but not limited to, areas such as kitchens, attics, furnace rooms, utility rooms, basements, and attached garages. Agencies such as the NFPA often reference “minimum” requirements, so if the experts recommend this added protection, it’s likely good advice.